With the announcement of the end of the Halloween event, a lot of people wonder when the new Christmas update will come out, and what will happen. Let’s check what the devs said about it and what we can expect !

The end of Halloween Event
The Halloween event on Dress to Impress finished on November 23rd. While the Halloween clothes and accessories will stay in game, the Lana lore quest were removed, and you won’t be able to buy some pose packs.
Lana quest Halloween items :

Removed pose packs : (you can use them if you have bought them before the end of the Halloween event)
- Halloween Pose Pack (4600 currency)
- Editorial Pose Pack (2500 currency)
- Fantasy Pose Pack (1000 currency)
- Sci-Fi Pose Pack (2000 currency)
What about christmas ?
We already had a small update in November, with 3 new codes as well as many fixes and item removal.
New codes

Removed items

Christmas / Winter Update Release
What we know so far is that the Christmas update will be split into two parts, each consisting of smaller updates.
Many players felt overwhelmed by the size of the Halloween update and expressed numerous complaints. We also experienced significant lag and bugs due to all the new features, making it challenging for both players and developers to keep up (especially with fixing the bugs and lag).
So, we can likely expect two major updates for Christmas.
The official release date of the first part of Christmas update is
December 14th !
Christmas Sneak peeks
For those who want to keep the surprise, please stop reading, because I’ll be showing a couple of pictures of all the Winter / Christmas update sneak peeks !

New Lobby – inside

New Lobby – outside


New boots

Colorable fishnets

New set : detailed shirt & skirt

New makeups

i cant wait for the update!
thanks for the info!